Unlocking the Secrets of Space Weather: The Groundbreaking EZIE CubeSat Mission
Unveiling the Mysteries of Auroral Electrojets with EZIE
Johns Hopkins APL, in collaboration with NASA and Blue Canyon Technologies, embarks on an unprecedented journey to decipher the complexities of auroral electrojets—powerful electrical currents flowing around Earth's poles. The Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer (EZIE) mission aims to unravel the intricate connections between Earth and space using three advanced CubeSats.
This pioneering mission explores the invisible magnetic field lines and waves of charged particles from the Sun that interact with our atmosphere, a phenomenon known as space weather. By understanding these interactions, scientists hope to enhance predictive models of space weather, which affects technology on Earth. Discover how EZIE, through innovative CubeSat technology and global citizen science efforts, paves the way for future Sun science missions and contributes to our quest for knowledge about the cosmos.